Garbage in....

Garbage in....
I have missed reading and I’m determined to find ways to put books back in my life. No, it’s not my New Year’s resolution or anything. It’s more like a longing in my spirit.

What can you expect to find here?

What can you expect to find here?
What in the world is this blog about? What a fantastic question! I wish someone would tell me! I kid, I kid. Sort of. My blog is about life. How’s that for vague? It’s musings and ponderings and thoughts and wrestlings and ah-ha moments and darkness and mountaintops and valleys and Stanley Cup championships.


Who am I?

Who am I?
I’m fo…mumble mumble garble garble…years old. I grew up as an only child of older parents in a tiny Ohio town. We had no stoplights, a train that passed through but didn’t bother to stop, and a high school with teachers so old they had taught our parents. Many people have a Norman Rockwell view of small-town life. That was not my town.

When People Show You Who They Are

When People Show You Who They Are
Have you ever heard the phrase “when people show you who they are, believe them?” It makes so much sense, doesn’t it? It even appeals to the idea of seeing is believing. But do we follow that logic? Is it easier said than done?

The 5 Things You Can Control

The 5 Things You Can Control

We humans love to be in control, do we not? Think about the small child on grandpa’s lap steering a truck through a field. Oh the excitement to turn that wheel and have a whole vehicle respond! We are control junkies!

But what do we really have control over?

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