When People Show You Who They Are

When People Show You Who They Are
Have you ever heard the phrase “when people show you who they are, believe them?” It makes so much sense, doesn’t it? It even appeals to the idea of seeing is believing. But do we follow that logic? Is it easier said than done?

5 Ways to Calm the Chaos

5 Ways to Calm the Chaos

One thing is certain, when you are a military wife, you better learn to roll with the punches. Life is crazy, unstable, unpredictable, amazing, exciting, terrifying, and exhausting. I’m sure I left out a few pertinent adjectives there, but you get the idea. If you live this life, I don’t have to explain it to you. If you don’t, I can’t begin to explain it to you.

You don’t have to be a military wife to deal with constant turmoil in life, though...


Conquering Fear

Conquering Fear

Fear is such a common emotion that many of us simply live with it instead of facing it head on. Oh, sure, there are times when fear is good. For example, if you are being chased by a bear, fear shuts off your unnecessary senses and bodily functions to funnel all resources into your escape. Fear (and the body’s response to it) is a good, and potentially life saving, response in that instance.

But most of us are not running away from bears in our every day life...


Hearing God Speak to You

Hearing God Speak to You
How do you hear God speak? I have said my entire life that God needs to send me billboards because I do not get the little things.

What is friendship worth to you?

What is friendship worth to you?
Most of my life I’ve been immovable, and not necessarily in a good way. I’ve been stubborn. I’ve seen everything as black and white. It has cost me friends, jobs, and various assorted other things. Some of the “loss” was just fine and for my good. Other things were maybe unnecessary losses or at the very least, losses that caused hurt to myself or others.
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