5 Ways to Calm the Chaos

5 Ways to Calm the Chaos

One thing is certain, when you are a military wife, you better learn to roll with the punches. Life is crazy, unstable, unpredictable, amazing, exciting, terrifying, and exhausting. I’m sure I left out a few pertinent adjectives there, but you get the idea. If you live this life, I don’t have to explain it to you. If you don’t, I can’t begin to explain it to you.

You don’t have to be a military wife to deal with constant turmoil in life, though...


When God Gives You More Than You Can Handle

When God Gives You More Than You Can Handle
My absolute least favorite Christian catch-phrase has to be “God will never give you more than you can handle.” Does anyone actually think it is true? I mean, if you are willing to spout that nonsense to someone, you surely must’ve not encountered much turmoil in your life.

New House vs. Rhino Butt

New House vs. Rhino Butt
When I think of things that cause me to say things like, “I would rather eat the butt out of a dead rhino,” selling a house makes the list. Oh, yes, I actually typed that phrase. No, it’s not exactly phrasing you’d use in polite company. But, then, a whole lotta people don’t consider me to be polite company, so there is that.

A Great Day

A Great Day
We had a great day. A truly great day. A nothing-particularly-special kind of day, but a day to remember because we were happy, the sun was shining, and we were together.

Catfish Blessings

Catfish Blessings
My big guy is a great kid, if I do say so myself. I remember reading stories of Mamas who stay up until their kids are all home. I am not that Mama.
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