What can you expect to find here?

What can you expect to find here?
What in the world is this blog about? What a fantastic question! I wish someone would tell me! I kid, I kid. Sort of. My blog is about life. How’s that for vague? It’s musings and ponderings and thoughts and wrestlings and ah-ha moments and darkness and mountaintops and valleys and Stanley Cup championships.


Who am I?

Who am I?
I’m fo…mumble mumble garble garble…years old. I grew up as an only child of older parents in a tiny Ohio town. We had no stoplights, a train that passed through but didn’t bother to stop, and a high school with teachers so old they had taught our parents. Many people have a Norman Rockwell view of small-town life. That was not my town.

The Dumbest Question I’ve Never Been Asked

The Dumbest Question I’ve Never Been Asked
When you have daughters from China, there are a few things you should expect. The thing is, no one really warns you about them.