What is friendship worth to you?

What is friendship worth to you?
Most of my life I’ve been immovable, and not necessarily in a good way. I’ve been stubborn. I’ve seen everything as black and white. It has cost me friends, jobs, and various assorted other things. Some of the “loss” was just fine and for my good. Other things were maybe unnecessary losses or at the very least, losses that caused hurt to myself or others.

Where is Your Focus?

Where is Your Focus?
How ARE you? Like for real? Are you loving life? Are you thriving? Do you get up each day looking forward to what’s next? Do you have goals? Plans that make you happy? Are you thinking of the future?

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun! (So do boys!)

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun! (So do boys!)
I struggle hard with just stopping to have fun. There is always another chore to be completed. But the older I get, the more I recognize how fleeting time is and how I need to slow down and enjoy the journey!

Do you love your J.O.B?

Do you love your J.O.B?
I have a J.O.B. that I love. It doesn't feel like work. It's not tedious or monotonous. It's rich and rewarding and I know you can find that sweet spot, too.

Is it time for a new plan of action?

Is it time for a new plan of action?
The reality is that you can have anything you want, but you need to start focusing somewhere.
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