Hearing God Speak to You
How do you hear God speak? I have said my entire life that God needs to send me billboards because I do not get the little things. As I’ve aged, I’m definitely more discerning about the messages He sends me. Little things. 
For example, this morning I was telling my bestie how I chose the Bible study I was starting. I said something like this, “I am a rule follower. A list checker off-er. I really wanted a Bible study with a video component and homework. I thought I was going to order one on Esther, but Galatians was the one featured and affordable.” Not a very scientific approach, right? 
Then I watched the first video and I heard Beth Moore say, “If you got here by accident because you thought, ‘well, this is the next study, so I’ll do it’ then I can promise you, God wants you here.” Um. Weird, right? Not really. That’s how God tells me stuff. Three lessons in and I'm just plain "wowed."
I’ve been wrestling with some health stuff. Nothing major and nothing that’s a problem. Yet. My recent bloodwork was highly abnormal. Not hugely bad or concerning. But not normal. And not typical.

 My family is a mess when it comes to diets. One is low carb (but only when he wants to be…which is even more complicating because I never quite know if it’s going to be a low carb day or a day that a box of nutty bars is acceptable.) One is Virgin Diet, but has narrowed the problem areas to gluten, dairy, and sugar. Two of us would prefer to be vegan. The other is Wren who thinks that sugar should be the bottom of the food pyramid….you know…the LARGEST food intake.
It’s a complicated mess, right?
But God has been sending me some signs. I’ve tried intermittent fasting, but then Clay wants to do a breakfast date. I’ve tried vegan and I do really really love it, but then I’m cooking multiple meals. It's also difficult to keep up with shopping when it's all produce and takes up so much space and spoils quickly. I’ve done paleo and lost a ton of weight, but it was not healthy paleo. It’s just challenging.
I have been concerned about those numbers in my bloodwork. You see, my Daddy passed on some crappy genes. Fortunately, a few years ago I heard Dr. Tom Reed speak at a Young Living Convention. He is an epigenetics guru. He laid out how and why we are not a slave to our genetic code. We can change the course of our life in regards to our health and wellness. Amazing news. 
(As an aside, we also carry around the mess of our emotional inheritance from up to three generations ago. Can you imagine? That’s a post for another day.)
Knowing what Dr. Reed teaches has made that bloodwork especially frustrating. I do a lot of the right stuff. Not enough. But more than the average person. And then I realized what it was. I watched 30 seconds of a video from Dr. Berg (keto guy) and I knew exactly what it was. It was a God moment. My billboard.
This week Clay wrote on the chalkboard in our living room “My yoke is easy and my burden is light. -Jesus” It’s unusual for him to do something like that and I’ve been pondering and pondering. 
Dr. Berg (shared with me by my friend) has a plan for healthy keto. Not just plates of bacon and cheese. Instead, it’s keto that could easily be Virgin Diet. It’s keto that incorporates intermittent fasting. It’s keto that focuses on the good stuff. You can even do vegan keto. And guess what? It can meet everyone’s needs and most everyone’s wants as well. (Wren is simply out of luck. Sugar is just always bad.)
So the synchronicity….a session years ago with Dr. Reed…a bloodwork report that was a little less than ideal…a Bible verse on a chalkboard…and an answer to meal planning for everyone in the house. God is speaking and I’m listening!
Tell me in the comments below what your experience is with diets? Are you in the camp that never really concerns yourself with it? Have you picked one and stuck to it? 

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1 Comment

  1. Ah diets, I’m gluten free going on 12 or 13 years now, I also have to watch my dairy intake, I can do some cheese but not too much and no milk. I love the coconut yogurt instead of cows milk yogurt. Eggs are also an issue for me and my daughters.
    Right after Christmas I started the Optavia plan, I lost a lot of weight but the plan is based on Furlings and most of those have gluten (I found out the hard way!) and dairy. I liked the idea of it as it’s not just diet but mindset too. Wasn’t the program for me, I did lose a lot of weight and inches. I thought it would give me ideas and recipes for how to cook veggies, nope mostly cauliflower (I can’t stand it!), tomatoes and salads, all with cheese. Also have looked at Dr. Gundry, he talks a lot about gut health and foods that help and hurt our guts which affect everything else, emotions, hormones, etc. I have lots of gut issues I’m working on with my naturopath. Also clearing out past generational emotional trauma, that helps too.
    I’m currently reading the book, “How Do Essential Oils Work?” By Dr. Doug, then I’ll take the test to get my level 1 certification.

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